ife above neutral

for life in the fast

Illustration of a X Mark




Hello, ​positive ​disruptor!

There's nothing more rebellious in a world of "you're not enough" messages than to be a FORCE FOR GOOD + GROWTH in your own life.

And as a result, in others' lives and in the world.

You are a ripple of goodness.

Orange Corner Border

What would your life be like if you were as good to YOU as you were to your very best friends?

    • Would the way you talk to yourself change? In what ways?
    • How would you approach your life and your relationships?
    • What are the gulpy goals + big dreams you'd pursue?
      • let's dust those babies off the shelf!!
People driving car

It's time to kick it into high-gear

(not to go fast ... but to grow far)

We offer hype resources and coaching services to help you thrive and LIVE your life.

Life Above Neutral is designed for people who:

  • Want to level-up the energy + fulfillment in their life
  • Crave more aliveness and less 'blah' / 'meh' vibes
  • Dream big and have gulpy goals they want to get
  • Don't want to regret not doing the above ...

We road-trip together to help you merge from your comfy-cozy coasting-lane into the (way more fun) growth lane, so you can turn fear into fuel and live more precious days in thriving-mode.

Yellow Highlight Line  Stroke Decoration
Baloon Word Grunge Style

But what will people think?!

Baloon Word Grunge Style

You're not _____ enough to do that!

This can be hard to do on our own.

Too often we let fear take the wheel, or forget that we have more control over our life experience than it sometimes seems (we're the driver, after all!!).

Pink Circle Thinking Bubble

I would, but ...

[insert fear-fueled excuse]

Life above neutral is a positive psychology philosophy

(pos psych = the scientific study of wellbeing and what goes right with us)

It's not Happy-ology

... or toxic-positivity

We're here to experience all parts of this wild ride: the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Being human is a rollercoaster. Sometimes we need a little help in growing the good stuff.

(And getting out of our own way!)

umbrella yellow icon
storm flat icon
Sunny Weather





requires us to navigate the really tough stuff & get help to relieve suffering

allows us to see & savor the good stuff & build our skills to deal with the rest

Asphalt Road


feeling alive & functioning well

of course, we struggle here, too!


feeling "blah" or "meh"

not struggling or thriving

ife above neutral

What's life like in the growth lane?

  • Inner critic gets quieter < self-love gets louder

  • Fear-based decisions turn into courage-based
    • You'll actually do the things you say you want to do and get your gulpiest goals

  • Hope-mongering takes over the fear-mongering

  • You're in the driver's seat of your own life

  • You don't have to say, "Could Have Been Me"
    • Listen to the song below for some insta-hype!
Quote Icon. Quote Symbol and Mark Quote. Quote Marks Outline Vector.

Always go a little further into the water than you feel you are capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth, and when you don’t feel like your feet are quite touching the bottom ...

. . . you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting.

david bowie

Bowie lighting face
Suitcase with Hats

no more guilt trips

Do you ever feel guilty when you:

  • Do things other than work, or your to-do list?
  • Prioritize your own goals and dreams?
  • Say no to things you don't want to do?
  • Go off the beaten path to do something new?
  • [ insert personally relevant guilt-spiral ]

been there!​

Pack your bags, because it's time to ditch the GUILT TRIPS.


my name is dana

it all changed when...

I'm here to hype you up.

I've learned a lot from my own bumpy road of living life above neutral. After years of people-pleasing, I've crafted my own road to purpose-pleasing, and I love to help others do the same.

my Dad was terminally diagnosed. I asked him, "What have you always wanted to do? Where do you want to go?" His response, and our meaningful conversations that followed, changed my life:

"I've lived the life I wanted to live..."

Wake-up call! I was comforted by his peaceful resolve. And, I knew I wouldn't be able to say the same if I found myself in his shoes. I was getting in my own way of my dreams.

I made some big changes, including a career shift from teaching (a season I cherish!) to pursue one of my dreams: to study positive psychology and explore what makes life worth living.

Today, I feel alive in my life and work by helping YOU feel alive in yours.

It's me. Hi. I'm the problem. It's me.

Thin Line Divider

The world is very uncomfortable with people who don't hate themselves.

- allyson byrd

so instead...

Go Love Yourself

Yellow Highlight Line  Stroke Decoration

(bonus: this helps you show up for others, too)

Thin Line Divider

how can I help?

step 1

FREE connection session (25 min)

  • We’ll discuss where you are today and where you'd like to go!

  • You'll leave with: a personalized profile of YOUR version of “the good life”

step 2

Customized hype-support

  • We'll customize a meaningful, manageable approach that works with your lifestyle and goals, guided by a ​proven process to create positive and sustainable change. We'll work through 3 stages:​

    • Dream It: clarifying your strengths, resources, and best-case-scenario ideal future​
    • Design It: roadmapping to get from where you are now, to where you dream of going​
    • Do It: the scary but best part of the ride - hitting the accelerator to take real-world action​

step 3

Live It / Be It

  • Ongoing sessions and voice-note hype (as needed!) to maintain momentum, plan your next steps so you keep flourishing in your growth lane, and celebrate your wins!! Monthly containers or ad hoc when you need a boost.


your way

Connection Options:

  • Virtual 'anywhere in the world' sessions

  • In-person 'get-me-outta-the-house' sessions: walking or coffee shop

  • VIP private retreats: please contact for more information

Let's do this

Take a deep breath. Ask yourself if this feels like the right thing for you, at the right time.

Dream It.

Get to know yourself in brand new ways and see the possibilities of your life.

Design It.

Put the wheels in motion and design a road-trip you actually want to be on.

Do It.

You're packed, you've got your roadmap, now it's time to hit the road! (with a new GPS system).



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Dana has a warm, calming and authentic presence, that shines through in all of her sessions. She is highly professional and extremely knowledgeable in her field. She is very passionate about wanting to support and help others, by providing practical and accessible tools to promote positive mental wellbeing. I felt a huge shift in my mindset, in a time when I really needed it. I'm so grateful to Dana ... I couldn't recommend her services enough!

Quote Icon. Quote Symbol and Mark Quote. Quote Marks Outline Vector.

Dana's knowledge and passion are contagious and every time I get to spend with her I always leave energized and with amazing, practical ideas I can implement ... She is incredibly generous with her time and expertise! If you are lucky enough to cross paths with Dana, your work will be forever impacted!

Dana you truly have a gift of improving the lives of others and empowering others to do the same! You are destined to be doing this!

quotation mark pink

Dana walked me from a place of overwhelm into a renewed sense of energy and hope through small shifts that felt approachable. I felt seen and supported. Working with Dana connected me to a world of wellbeing resources, and empowered me to deepen my connection with myself. I can walk forward from a place of groundedness and clarity.

Small Vibrant Fire

more about me ...

Forma​l Training 🤓

  • Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) from the University of Pennsylvania

  • Master and Bachelor of Education from the University of Saskatchewan

  • Certificate in Creating Positive Change (Appreciative Inquiry) via The Change Lab

  • Coach Training via the CAPP Institute

  • Connect with me on LinkedIn to learn more :)

Professional E​xperience ⚡️

  • MAPP Assistant Instructor at the University of Pennsylvania; Sessional Instructor at the University of Calgary

  • Wellbeing and resilience coach and consultant (for 16 orgs and counting, worldwide); facilitated 50+ wellbeing and resilience sessions

  • Taught junior and senior high school for 13 years + served as a System Mental Health Specialist​ ​

  • Co-founded Teacher Fan Club and offer speaking and consulting on organizational wellbein​g​

Your life

(above neutral)

is ready

for you!

Let's connect!

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ife above neutral

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